
How to Treat Fire Ant Bites

The term ‘fire ant’ doesn’t to refer to just one species of ant. Rather, it is a term that encompasses over 200 species of ants belonging to the genus Solenopsis. Most species of fire ants are not invasive. However, one species, Solenopsis invicta, is an exception. This particular breed, sometimes referred to as the red imported fire ant, or RIFA, was inadvertently introduced to the United States in the 1930s. They arrived in Alabama after stowing away in shipping crates that arrived from South America. These fire ants have since spread throughout the southeastern and southwestern states. They also live in other regions around the world including Asia and Australia.

About Fire Ants and Their Bites

Red imported fire ants are an aggressive breed that vigorously defend their colonies. While they feed on plants, they also enjoy dining on worms, spiders, insects, and dead animals. In fact, they are known to attack and kill small animals such as birds and rodents . Like other ants, fire ants are social and live in colonies that can have well over 250,000 workers. The workers have a life span of about 180 days, but queens can live for over six years. Furthermore, queens can lay up to 1,600 eggs per day. That can add up to a staggering 3.5 million offspring. This is one reason fire ant colonies grow so quickly and can rebound when decimated.

Because fire ants are so aggressive and live in such large colonies, it’s not uncommon for people and animals to come under attack from large groups of fire ants. If you don’t want to experience the pain of fire ant stings, keep your eyes peeled for any signs of them. Seeing even one or two fire ants is usually a good indication of a nearby colony. Remember, they are aggressive and won’t hesitate to defend their turf. They aren’t as destructive as termites, but they can damage buildings if they are left unchecked.

As with many other species of ants, fire ants range between about 2 to 6 millimeters in length. Fortunately, their reddish upper bodies and dark abdomens make them highly distinguishable from other ant species. Their nests are also rather unique in that they don’t have an opening in the center. Depending on the size of the colony, mounds can be about eight inches high and two feet in diameter. Of course, they can get much bigger. Fire ants prefer settling in moist areas close to a food source and workers forage up to 100 yards from the nest. If you see any sign of fire ants around your house or yard, you should probably get rid of them.


Most species of ants will bite their victim and then spray a type of acidic compound into the wound. Not fire ants. Instead, they sink their mandibles into their victim’s skin to get a firm grip. Then, they inject an alkaloid venom using a stinger. This venom is mostly an oily alkaloid mixed with a bit of toxic protein. For humans, the stings are usually nothing more than an irritation, but they can be fatal if the victim has a severe allergy. Nevertheless, fire ant stings are almost always painful. Many people who have been on the receiving end of a fire ant sting describe feeling an intense burning sensation.

Symptoms of Fire Ant Stings

The immediate burning sensation of a fire ant sting is sure to get your attention. Thankfully, this searing pain doesn’t last long. It typically takes between a few seconds and a couple of minutes to subside. However, there is usually a lot more discomfort to come. Within a couple of hours, many recipients of fire ant stings develop a rash with raised bumps. While this doesn’t cause the same type of discomfort as the initial sting, it’s still quite irritating and often itchy.

Within 24-36 hours, these bumps have the potential to turn into white pustules that look similar to pimples. Be careful not to scratch them. By doing so, they can become infected and leave permanent scars. They normally flatten out within two or three days if you leave them be. Most fire ant stings completely heal within a few days even without treatment.

The fire ant’s venom contains a small amount of toxin that targets the nervous system. On its own, a single sting won’t cause any significant side effects beyond the normal symptoms. It can be very different if a person is swarmed and stung multiple times. On top of the compounded pain that a large number of simultaneous fire ant stings produces, some victims of mass stings have reported seeing hallucinations.

The consequences of fire ant stings can be extremely severe for those who are allergic to the venom. A person with such an allergy could experience anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal if not promptly treated. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience or witness any of these symptoms after being stung:

  • Labored breathing
  • Dizziness or confusion
  • Severe nausea
  • Tightness in chest
  • Swelling of the throat or tongue
  • Loss of consciousness

How to Avoid Being Stung by Fire Ants

Prevention is the best medicine. The best way to avoid being stung by fire ants is steering clear of them. Stay away from nests and areas where they are prone to colonize. Fire ants like moist, open areas which is why people often find colonies on lawns and in their gardens. Whatever you do, don’t stomp or kick a fire ant nest if you see one. This is a sure-fire way to provoke an attack. Wear shoes and socks when you mow your lawn and throw on a pair of gloves if you’re gardening. There are also some effective fire ant repellents that are effective against foraging ants.

Fire ants aren’t found in homes as much as other household pests like mice. Still, they have been known to invade houses during extreme weather. They are also naturally drawn to sources of food and water. Be sure to fix any leaks around the house, block possible points of entry, and keep your food and garbage securely stored. Don’t give them a reason to stop by for a visit. If your house is the target of a fire ant invasion, you need to remedy the problem as soon as possible. Advion and Extinguish Plus are effective fire ant baits that can wipe out entire colonies. Don’t hesitate to call in a professional.

Treatment: Immediate Relief

Most people need not seek medical treatment after they have been stung by a fire ant. Some basic first aid is usually more than enough. As long as you aren’t displaying any severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, or swelling of the tongue or throat, you’re probably going to be fine. If these serious symptoms present themselves, it might be a good time to use an EpiPen if you have one. If not, at least take an antihistamine like Benadryl or Claritin. Get to the emergency room as soon as you can.

Under normal conditions, expect the immediate effects of the sting to linger for a couple of minutes. There isn’t much you can do about that, although applying After Bite or StingEze might bring some degree of fast-acting relief. After washing the wound with soap and water, you can apply a cold pack to the affected area in 20-minute intervals to help reduce the swelling. Make sure there is a buffer between the ice and your skin. After that, try applying a topical hydrocortisone cream to alleviate the itching. Raise the part of your body where the sting is to keep the swelling down. Treating a fire ant bite is similar to treating cockroach and mosquito bites.

No matter how tough it is, resist the urge to scratch the area. The sting blister could open and the wound could easily develop an infection. If you happen to give into temptation and scratch the blister causing it to open, apply a triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin to the area. This will relieve the irritation and help prevent the wound from getting infected.

Natural Treatments

There are many natural and home remedies that do a great job with treating fire ant stings. Something as simple as warm water can help. Right after being stung, put the affected area under a stream of warm water or submerge it. This helps neutralize the venom and ease the associated pain and itching. After doing that, you can apply an essential oil such as lavender, peppermint, or basil. These essential oils contain ingredients that can help mitigate the pain, itching, and swelling.

Many people are now using apple cider vinegar for weight loss. It is also immensely useful for treating fire ant stings. It contains an acidic composition that helps counteract the alkaloids in fire ant venom. Furthermore, it possesses an antiseptic that can reduce swelling and prevent infection. Try rubbing some on the sting area. If you don’t have any apple cider vinegar kicking around, make a paste using baking soda and water. Apply it to the sting and let it sit for about 10 minutes. This should significantly reduce the irritation. You can also make a soothing paste out of baking soda and lemon juice.

Believe it or not, powdered meat tenderizer works well too. As it turns out, papain is one of the ingredients in meat tenderizer. This enzyme has proven effective in reducing the pain and irritation caused by fire ant stings. A study conducted at Texas A&M found that a half-and-half mixture of bleach and water reduces the irritation and may prevent the formation of pustules.

If the itching persists, you can soak in an oatmeal bath for half an hour. Oatmeal is well-known for its ability to ease a wide range of skin irritations. Many people who have had chickenpox will attest to this. Other possibilities include diluted ammonium, aloe vera, and witch hazel, although no hard evidence exists to confirm their effectiveness.

Medications and Other Treatments

Most fire ant stings do not require medical attention. Most people who receive stings from fire ants just grin and bear it. However, there are a variety of over-the-counter medications that help minimize the irritating symptoms. Paracetamol helps ease the pain, but it can take up to an hour to kick in. One or two 500mg tablets should do the trick. Some of the most common brands are:

  • Panadol
  • Hedex
  • Medinol
  • Disprol

Ibuprofen is another commonly used medication that treats a variety of minor aches and pains. It also reduces swelling. Ibuprofen works relatively quickly when taken orally. Relief usually comes within 30 minutes.

Antihistamines work well to relieve allergy symptoms and mild reactions to fire ant bites. Antihistamines come in several forms including capsules, tablets, topicals, and syrups. Be sure to read the labels. Some antihistamines like chlorpheniramine and hydroxyzine can make you drowsy. There are several equally effective non-drowsy antihistamines like cetirizine and loratadine.

Hydrocortisone skin creams contain corticosteroid. This is a steroid, but it isn’t the same as anabolic steroids. When applied directly on a fire ant sting, these creams soothe the skin and reduce swelling and irritation. Caladryl, Eucerin Calming Itch-Relief Treatment, and antihistamine creams like Benadryl Extra Strength Anti Itch Cream can also work wonders.

While these medications are generally safe, you should always read the directions and any warnings before using them. This is particularly important when giving them to children. Some medications can cause adverse effects. Especially if mixed with other medications. You should seek medical attention if you experience any side effects.


Fire ant stings affect different people in different ways. For some, the effects of fire ant stings are not much more irritating than mosquito bites. A lot of people don’t even bother treating them at all. For others, fire ant stings can be very painful and treatment is necessary. Taking the right precautions will minimize your chances of having an encounter.  Making your yard inhospitable to them and keeping your house clean is a start. If you come across a nest in your travels, simply move along and don’t provoke them.


Review: American Spas 5 Person Waterfall Hot Tub

This may be listed as a 5 person hot tub, but in a pinch you could actually fit 7 in there if you wanted to do so. There are 30 stainless steel massage therapy jets that will give you strong water movement from all sides of the hot tub. And that’s just the start of what the American Spas 5 Person Waterfall hot tub is able to provide. You get to be in control of your hydrotherapy experience in this lounger spa design. So kick back, relax, and let your muscles become wobbly with joy when you use this fantastic hot tub.

There’s a Lot to Love with This American Spas Model 

American Spas has gotten the foundation of this hot tub right. It uses a 5 BHP jet pump so that you receive the performance of two pumps for your hot tub, but with just one pump that you need to maintain. It does require a 240v outlet to operate, so some homes may need to have some wiring work done before installing this hot tub.

There’s also an economy mode that has been given to this hot tub for the times when you are not using it. This helps to keep the power bill increases to a minimum while you’re able to effectively maintain the water temperature you want. It also heats up really fast, so most owners will be able to use it the same day it is delivered.

We did notice that the instructions for setting up this hot tub include completely bleeding all air out of the system. Many of the complaints we noticed about pump failures or inadequate pressure upon start-up of the hot tub seem to deal with this particular step.

The added features of this hot tub, including the waterfall and the extra lighting, help to provide an experience of luxury when using it. The lounger seat design is one of the most comfortable we got to see as well, though the seating is a bit deep for those who are 5 feet or under in height. The jets are surprisingly powerful as well, so the overall user experience is one that is highly positive.

There Are Some Minor Design Issues with This American Spas 5 Person Hot Tub 

The one issue of note that we noticed when taking a look at this particular American Spas hot tub was the height of the jets. The top row of jets all around the hot tub are placed rather high compared to some other hot tubs we’ve seen, which causes excessive splashing in the tub. This is especially true if the water levels are not precisely to the fill line for the hot tub.

In a review of the complaints for this particular model, it is important to note that the most common complaint comes from shipping damage. If you receive a curbside delivery for this hot tub that does not look right, it is within your rights to refuse the delivery because of damage. If you accept delivery and attempt to setup a non-operating hot tub, you could cause further damage to it or even to your home.

Some hot tubs are a great deal, but don’t really provide a realistic performance. Others provide an awesome performance, but put a huge dent in your checkbook to do it. This American Spas 5 Person Waterfall hot tub gives you a great experience at a fair price. If you want a large hot tub with impressive hydrotherapy options, then this is definitely the make and model for you.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the American Spas 5 Person Waterfall Hot Tub.


Review: American Spas AM-628TM Two Person Hot Tub

Some hot tubs can be massively huge and provide disappointing results. Others might provide great results, but not really fit into the current structure of your home. The American Spas AM-628TM two person hot tub fixes both of those problems with affordable ease. With a triangular design that can fit into virtually any corner of any room with the right structural and foundational supports, you and your favorite other person can enjoy consistent and relaxing comfort.

Why We Ultimately Love the American Spas AM-628TM 

Although this hot tub is relatively small compared to other makes and models, it still comes equipped with a 2 BHP motor. This gives the 28 stainless steel massage jets a lot of power to work up and down your back. Combined with the 5.5 kW heavy duty Titanium heater, you’ll be able to stay nice and warm at your preferred temperature as well.

There’s plenty of space for both people in this tub with dedicated seating for both people. Although one person gets to lounge and the other has more of a bucket seat, both positions are comfortable and limit the splashing that other hot tubs sometimes produce.

We also loved how easy it was to perform maintenance tasks with this particular hot tub. The filter placement is within easy reach and it just takes a couple of minutes to swap out the filters. This way you’ll always receive a clean and sanitary hot tub experience without much hassle at all.

The shell itself is nice and strong. It’s made from a laminate fiber and steel construction system that provides layered strength. There are 7 layers in total within the design, so it can withstand the normal bumps that a hot tub tends to receive. It also comes with a cover for this price and requires only a 15 amp, 110 volt dedicated service.

What Might Make Some Think Twice About the American Spas AM-628TM 

This particular hot tub from American Spas is equipped with a Corona Discharge cell, which produces active ozone bubbles to purify the water. For those who are sensitive to the odor of ozone, you’re going to notice its operation if you’re in the room at the same time. It’s not so bothersome outdoors, but indoor use could be a little problematic – even with plenty of ventilation.

There’s not much space on this hot tub for some of the finer things in life that are enjoyed when trying to relax. You’ll want to invest into some of the best hot tub accessories for any beverages or snacks you might want to bring along.

This hot tub is also heavy at 600 pounds. There are 7 person hot tubs available that weigh less than this one. Although not necessarily a bad thing, it may limit the installation options that some homeowners may have. To save on size, there is limited insulation for the hot tub as well and that may be problematic for some locations.

It’s a solid hot tub option if you’re looking for more hydrotherapy, less overall space, and aren’t very concerned about energy efficiency. You can also wire it to 22 if you want and this hot tub looks fantastic once installed. It gets the job done and ultimately that’s why it earns our recommendation.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the American Spas AM-628TM Two Person Hot Tub.



Review: Home and Garden 4 Person Plug and Play Hot Tub

Sometimes you can just tell right from the start that a hot tub has been designed well. The seating arrangements give you enough space, the hydrotherapy jets are positioned well, and the controls for the hot tub are easily within reach. The Home and Garden 4 Person Plug and Play hot tub definitely fits into this category.

It even has some of the aesthetic features that are popular today, including LED lighting. It’s also ready for ozonation if you wish for your ongoing maintenance. Add in the free curbside delivery that comes with this product and its low price tag and you’ve got yourself one great value purchase.

Why We Enjoyed the Home and Garden Hot Tub 

Out of every hot tub looked at for this site, this Home and Garden model had the best interior surface in our opinion. It’s a slip-resistant surface that can stand up to some wear and tear over time. You can step into the hot tub without feeling like you’ll slip and you won’t mind the kids playing in the hot tub with you for some family time. As an extra bonus, the acrylic surface is super easy to clean.

We also like the exterior wrap construction for this particular hot tub. Not only is there a multi-layered fiberglass reinforcement included in the design, but there’s also a high density foam insulation layer and a sub-zero thermal wrap that helps to minimize heat loss. There are many hot tubs that claim to be energy efficient – this one uses about 150 kilowatt hours of power per month with regular use.

14 total jets are included with the design, giving you neck and shoulder hydrotherapy options that are consistent. Calf jets are included as well.

You also receive a synthetic mahogany cabinet that looks nice with your hot tub and gives you yet another layer of insulation support. The comfort cushion headrest is comfortable and everyone will have enough knee and elbow room.

Features to Take a Second Look At with the Home and Garden Hot Tub 

The one moment of caution that we’d point out with this Home and Garden hot tub is the size of the motor. It’s just a 2 BHP pump that is included with this model, so the hydrotherapy jets are not as strong in water movement as some of the other makes and models that are on the market today.

This hot tub only holds 225 gallons of water as well, which is about 50% of the capacity that many other 4 person hot tubs are able to hold. This further limits the amount of water movement you receive, especially if the water isn’t at the appropriate fill line.

The heater equipped provides 1500 watts of output. This makes it suitable for maintaining an operating temperature of 100 degrees, but if you want the max 104, it will struggle to keep up after 15 minutes or so.

The Home and Garden 4 Person Plug and Play hot tub is a pretty amazing product at an equally amazing price. If you want something that is large enough for your family, but small enough that it can still provide an intimate setting, then this is the hot tub you’re going to want to purchase today.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the Home and Garden 4 Person Plug and Play Hot Tub.


Review: Lifesmart 400DX 5 Person Waterfall Package Hot Tub

When a hot tub needs no special wiring to provide you with therapeutic benefits, then you’ve got potential. If a hot tub can seat up to 5 people at once and includes a locking cover so you can protect the quality of your water when it isn’t in use, then you’ve got temptation. With the Lifesmart 400DX 5 Person Waterfall Package hot tub, the message is clear: you are going to want this hot tub because it will make life better.

Temptation is one thing. Realism is another. Is the Lifesmart 400DX able to provide you with a consistently awesome experience above and beyond what other makes and models provide?

What’s Good About the Lifesmart 400DX? 

This hot tub looks fantastic. Like many Lifesmart hot tubs, it offers a false mahogany appearance using thin slats around the outside. This covers the foam insulation around the hot tub that helps to manage the heat distribution for the water. The only place where there isn’t insulation, in fact, is the equipment compartment for the hot tub.

The jet power is a little weaker than some other plug and play hot tubs we’ve looked at, but overall the experience is still pretty good.

We found that it worked best to keep the hot tub at its maximum temperature settings when planning on using the hydrotherapy jets. The heater will still kick in and operate virtually the entire time you use the hot tub, but the temperature loss will only be a couple of degrees, even on a colder day. Not many other plug and play models can maintain that well.

The shell of the hot tub is pretty tough and requires minimal overall maintenance as long as the water quality is maintained. It’s made from coated fiberglass and has a little texture on it, but nothing that feels uncomfortable. Then, as an extra bonus, the LED lighting can change colors. 

Here’s Our One Issue with the Lifesmart 400DX 

So yes. This hot tub is able to sit 5 people rather comfortably. Maybe you could even fit 6 people in there in a pinch. The problem is that only three people are actually going to benefit from the hydrotherapy jets. 12 of the 19 jets are positioned along the backs of two bucket-style seats. Another 4 jets are given to another seat. The other two seating opportunities have no jets at all.

In fact one of the seating locations for the 5 person configuration puts the person right on top of the waterfall part of the design.

You must also use the cover on this hot tub to keep the heat contained within the unit. If you leave the cover off, you’re going to discover lots of cold water.

So if you’re using the Lifesmart 400DX 5 Person Waterfall Package hot tub as a high capacity unit there are going to be those who will feel disappointed by the experience and rightly so. If, on the other hand, you’re looking for a hot tub that two or three people can enjoy and you want some room to stretch out, then you’re going to love what this model can do.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the Lifesmart 400DX 5 Person Waterfall Package Hot Tub.


Review: Lifesmart 600DX 7 Person Hot Tub

There are times when you just want to have it all. Instead of picking and choosing each specific accessory and feature, you just want one product or one kit that gives you everything. That’s the attitude which seems to be behind the design of the Lifesmart 600DX 7 person hot tub. Not only does it offer plenty of space with its bucket seating design, but there is a massive jet count of 65, including the waterfall that comes with this unit.

This hot tub also comes with an energy saving value package, which gives you stainless steel jets, an LED lighting system, and a tapered hard cover that locks over the hot tub. When all of that is added into the final price, this commercial-grade hot tub becomes surprisingly affordable now and with its ongoing operational costs.

What We Loved About the Lifesmart 600DX 

We were surprised by how remarkably light this hot tub happens to be. When you get to hot tubs of this size, it’s not uncommon to see them weight 1,000 pounds or more. Not the Lifesmart 600DX. It weighs just a shade over 500 pounds. This gives you a few more installation options for your home, which can definitely be a good thing.

With regular use, we found that the power consumption for this particular hot tub was in the 160-200 Kwh range. How that translates to additional costs on a power bill would depend on local rates, but this is in line with other energy efficient models that are available.

It comes with an ozonation system to help with the water conditioning. Some users may prefer this and others may not, but it’s easy enough to operate for your ongoing maintenance needs. It does require a 220/240 circuit for the home, so you may need to run some wiring or upgrade your circuit before installing this hot tub.

Certain Issues to Consider Before Purchase 

When we took a look at the actual surface of the hot tub, the Lifesmart 600DX actually has some texture on the interior surface. This provides it with some needed slip-resistance, but there’s enough texture there that it can actually dig into your skin and feel uncomfortable if you sit in the tub for an extended period of time. If you’re used to a smooth hot tub interior, this particular surface will take an adjustment period.

Unlike some other Lifesmart models, we also found that the control placement for this particular hot tub was a little inconvenient. Because it’s a value purchase, there are limited options to control of course, but those that are available require some awkward positioning to adjust.

The jet count is a little excessive for what it needs to be. This affects the power each jet can provide, but overall the experience was still positive. It would be nice if all of the jets would work on the high setting.

If you’re looking for a larger spa with some commercial features that can be a long-lasting investment, then this is the hot tub for you. We highly recommend it as a first hot tub, a second hot tub, or even as one for the office as a unique employee perk. Give it a try and we think you’ll like it as well.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the Lifesmart 600DX 7 Person Hot Tub.


Review: Lifesmart Rock Solid Luna Hot Tub with Plug and Play

Not every hot tub needs to be massive in size to offer a wonderfully relaxing experience. Sometimes you may wish for a little more privacy or intimacy with your hot tub. This is what the Lifesmart Rock Solid Luna hot tub offers so well. Not only is it a plug and play design that will work virtually anywhere you have a solid foundation, but it features a comfort valve air mixing system that will allow you to customize your comfort.

It may be recommended to seat only 2-3 people, but there’s enough space in there for up to 5 with the unique wide oval design of this hot tub. It’s a great value purchase for those who want to invest into their first hot tub – or for households that want a smaller second hot tub to enjoy.

The Luna Model from Lifesmart Provides Several Key Benefits

What we liked the most about the Lifesmart Luna hot tub was the jet configuration. There are a dozen jets in total that are spaced appropriately around the oval. Some are in a vertical configuration so you can have hydrotherapy points hit your spine directly. Others are horizontally configured to give your shoulders and neck some massaging relief. You choose the type you want, grab your seat, and you’re ready to relax.

The power requirements for this hot tub are also something that virtually every home can handle. It only requires an 110v 15 amp dedicated circuit in order to operate. That makes it similar to your refrigerator or laundry equipment. We would recommend having it connected to a trip circuit in case it gets wet for some reason.

There’s also a waterfall and foot jets included with this hot tub’s design. We found these features to be useful enough, especially if your feet are aching after a long day of work. The valves to control the air/water mix are easy enough to reach on the top of the hot tub itself, so you can customize your experience pretty easily. Put it in your garage or your backyard and you’ll have a wonderful experience.

There Are a Couple of Uncomfortable Discoveries 

The one main issue we can see some owners having with the Lifesmart Luna is the seating design. You’re almost sitting all the way down on the floor of the tub in this model. If you’re sharing this hot tub with others, then there is going to be some leg jousting in the middle of the tub as everyone tries to find a comfortable position that keeps their head above water.

We can also see the plug and play nature of this hot tub being taken too literally by some owners. Although you can plug it into a standard outlet, this hot tub does require a dedicated 15 amp circuit. You aren’t going to want to run other appliances on the same circuit as this one. Many homes have a dedicated outside circuit that can be used, but you won’t want to run anything else on it once the hot tub is plugged in.

We also noted the heater runs constantly when the jets are on for this tub. Not a big issue for 10-20 minutes of use, but eventually the water temperature does lower because of the air/water mixture.

For an affordable hot tub, the Lifesmart Luna model does an excellent job of providing a relaxing experience. We highly recommend it for those who are looking for a smaller hot tub experience.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the Lifesmart Rock Solid Luna Hot Tub with Plug and Play.


Review: Lifesmart Rock Solid Simplicity Plug and Play Hot Tub

Sometimes simple is the best way to go. Simple allows you to quietly slip into a hot tub whenever you want, relax in your preferred way, and let stress be a thing of the past. That’s the beauty of the design offered by the Lifesmart Rock Solid Simplicity Plug and Play hot tub. This 4 person tub plugs into any standard household outlet with a trip circuit, features 12 high-therapy jets, and there’s even a small waterfall to enjoy.

What We Loved About the Lifesmart Plug and Play Hot Tub 

The design of the hot tub from Lifesmart is what first caught our eye. Created in a Sahara shell with a full surround, it can sit independently above ground and look great with its sandstone coloring.

Going past the first impression, we also thought the design and placement of the digital controls was spot-on. You can easily reach the controls in or out of the hot tub, allowing you to customize your experience whenever you wish.

The operation of the hot tub itself is nice and smooth. The jets are arranged in a standard configuration, producing what we would call a medium-high output for water movement. It feels nice on the body, but doesn’t make it feel like you’re going to get thrown across the hot tub if you fail to brace yourself from the force of the water movement. You can also control the air and water mix for precise comfort if you wish.

There’s also a spa light included with this design. Lifesmart includes a red and a blue lens cap so you can “set the mood” when using the hot tub. It’s one of those features that’s nice to have when you need it, but you don’t mind leaving it off either.

When operating the hot tub, you can tell almost immediately that the insulation design is very effective. The water temperatures stay consistent without a lot of power investment. This allows it to meet even the strictest energy mandates that currently exist in the United States.

What Could Be Improved About the Lifesmart Plug and Play Hot Tub? 

We really felt the waterfall was a needless feature with this hot tub. It may be nice to have if you’re on your own or with a loved one and want the falling water sound, but otherwise this feature is sort of in the way. You need to reach around it in order to access the digital panel from inside the hot tub. A minor irritation, but one worth noting nonetheless.

It also takes some time for the water to heat up on this unit. Plan for at least 24 hours of water preparation time before using this hot tub for the first time.

We didn’t want to test this issue out, but there have been some complaints about severely poor pH levels damaging the hot tub pump and seals. This hot tub also seems to be a little picky about having a clean filter, so we’d recommend replacing the cartridges weekly for best results.

If you’re looking for a value purchase on a beautiful hot tub that gets the basics right, then this is a solid investment to consider. It’s highly rated, offers a great first impression, and will help you relax in style.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the Lifesmart Rock Solid Simplicity Plug and Play Hot Tub.


Review: Splash Pools Soft Sided Insulated Hot Tub

When you think of a portable hot tub, most folks think of the inflatable type. Or maybe there’s the picture of a very small above ground hot tub that offers a minimal number of features. In the world of portability, it’s time to start thinking about the Splash Pools Soft Sided Insulated hot tub instead. It’s a real hot tub that provides real hydrotherapy benefits and not one of those inflatable spas that offer an experience that is similar to taking a bath.

This Hot Tub Provides Numerous Benefits Immediately

Don’t take the soft-sided nature of this design casually. It offers an insulated spa cover and is made from marine-grade vinyl so that it provides you with a heavy duty experience. The inner layer of this hot tub is made from the same materials that you’ll find in the best quality above-ground swimming pools, so it isn’t just going to wear out on you after a season or two.

There’s also the PVC skeleton of this hot tub to consider. Installation is simple and easy because the rot-proof design of this model can go virtually anywhere you have a flat, level, and puncture-proof surface. As an added benefit, this hot tub arrives fully assembled so that you can just fill it up upon delivery, get the water heated, and you’re ready to go.

It’s lightweight enough that it can be used indoors if there is enough ventilation in place. Most decks will be able to handle the full weight of this hot tub without much modification. There’s also a full filtration system built into the design. It’s affordable, doesn’t take up a whole lot of space, and offers a uniquely portable experience that no other hot tub right now can really match.

Then you have the included cleaning kit to consider. Because this is a soft-sided hot tub, cleaning it is a little different. Make sure to follow the instructions from the manufacturer for best results.

What’s Not to Like About the Splash Pools Soft-Sided Hot Tub? 

This is a plug and play hot tub design, so it will work virtually anywhere. We found that a dedicated circuit works the best for this hot tub. Use the outdoor outlets for best results.

There are only 8 hydrotherapy jets included with this hot tub, so the amount of water movement is somewhat minimal compared to other units. It’s still relaxing since you get to enjoy 315 gallons of hot water whenever you want, but there isn’t the full force jet movement that some hot tub owners may prefer.

It can seat 4 people if you don’t mind being up close and personal with everyone. It does seat 3 people comfortably. A family of 6 with younger children could get away with having everyone in this hot tub and have enough space.

You’ll save time on the installation of this hot tub since everything is ready to go, but it will take about a full day for the water to heat up to your preferred temperature. In return for this time investment, you’ll have a low maintenance hot tub that you’ll be able to place virtually anywhere and enjoy all season long.

Click here to view the price on Amazon and find an awesome deal on the Splash Pools Soft Sided Insulated Hot Tub.


What Are the Health Benefits of Using a Hot Tub?

The primary health benefit of using a hot tub for many is its ability to relax tense muscles. When you slip into the hot water, muscles which are tired and sore begin to feel better instantly. If your hot tub has hydrotherapy jets, then the massage it provides can enhance this affect. This is why, for many, a hot tub isn’t just about entertainment or improving the value of a home. It’s an investment into their personal well-being.

Relaxation is just one of several proven health benefits that come with using a hot tub. Here are some others for your consideration.

  1. Pain Relief 

If you have sore joints, then some time in the hot tub can be the perfect solution. The increased heat encourages more blood movement and this helps to take inflammation markers away from overused knees, ankles, elbows, and more. Combine this with the muscle relaxation benefit and people with arthritis can even experience relief from chronic joint pain.

  1. Reduce Blood Sugar Levels 

Just 5-10 minutes in a hot tub can begin to reduce blood sugar levels, which can be an important benefit for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. The buoyancy of the water can also help those with diabetes be able to exercise more effectively if they are dealing with nerve pain issues in their feet, hands, or other locations.

  1. Stop Stress 

If you can stop stress, then you can naturally reduce your muscle tension. What you can do with your hot tub is enhance the stress reduction benefit by adding aroma therapy to your spa water, play meditation music in the background, or create the perfect environment for you to step away from the world for a while. High blood pressure is often associated with stress as well and a hot tub can naturally lower those numbers because of the superheated water.

  1. Reduce Insomnia 

Because hot tubs can reduce stress and cause muscles to relax, many report that they can sleep better every night when they use a hot tub regularly. The hot water helps to trigger the body’s natural sleep mechanism, which is then enhanced as body temperatures cool down after you step out of the water. You can fall asleep faster, sleep for longer uninterrupted periods, and wake up feeling incredibly refreshed.

  1. Weight Management 

This health benefit comes from the fact that a hot tub can stimulate blood circulation. This causes heart rates to increase, so with the lower blood pressure, the end result mimics mild exercise. Add in the water buoyancy that takes weight off of joints and limbs and a hot tub can be an effective place to exercise every day.

The health benefits of using a hot tub are many, but they aren’t without risk. Be sure to review the various risks that are involved with hot tub use so that you can maximize the benefits that are offered (check out our post here). In doing so, you may just discover that you can live a fulfilling life that effectively limits stress, anxiety, and insomnia. If you’re interested in buying your first hot tub, check out our reviews here.